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After an adoption event, Cats of San Bernadino Animal Rescue decided to stop by a known cat colony to check up on the little guys. When they arrived, they were greeted with some new kittens!
“We decided to walk by the colony to say hi to our little friends and we were greeted by some new faces. To our surprise, some new tiny little friends were waiting for us,” said Cats of San Bernardino.
“We approached them with caution as we didn’t want them to run back behind the fencing that is covered in razor wire. We talked to them for a little while and one of the little nuggets walked straight up to us… it was the easiest rescue we have ever done,” the rescue added. The cats in the colony ran right up to the rescue team and greeted them with affection as if they were excited to see a friend!
A group of feral cats is called a colony, and while they’re certainly adorable and fun to observe, an influx of cats to a particular area can create several problems. This is why TNR programs can be an effective tool in managing the number of cats in colonies.
If you know of a feral cat colony that could benefit from a TNR program – or if you’d like to volunteer to help feral cats – you can track down a TNR program by contacting your local animal shelter.
You can follow Cats of San Bernadino on TikTok for rescue updates!
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