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This changed my shaving game forever and it could change yours, too.
When I switched from a traditional razor to an electric shaver, my life completely changed. I had been struggling with ingrown hair issues for years and despite trying nearly every type of razor and shaving product under the sun, nothing seemed to really help keep those bumps away. Nothing, that is, until I switched to an electric razor. Since electric razors don’t cut as close to your skin as other razors, I found that the amount of ingrown hairs I got decreased significantly after almost the first use. Plus, I realized that I liked the ease of an electric razor–I didn’t have to use shaving cream or really any other shaving products. By incorporating an electric razor into my routine, I was able to shave my grooming time by almost half.
In the few years since I became an electric razor convert, I’ve tried dozens of models—some way better than others. If you’re switching from a traditional razor to an electric one, it takes your skin a couple of weeks to acclimate, but once your face is used to it, it’s smooth sailing–with the right razor, at least. And after trying nearly every electric razor on the market, I can confidently say that the Braun Series 9 Pro is the best electric razor I have ever used.
The overall design of the Braun Series 9 Pro is deceptively simple. The handle and interface is sleek and has an LED screen to show battery life, but it’s easy to understand and even easier to hold. The casing is like the Goldilocks of electric razors–not heavy, but hefty enough to not slip out of your hands. The sleek, ergonomic design makes it clear that the power is inside the device, not in the visible bells and whistles.
The meat of the shaver–the razor and blades themselves–are where it really shines. The head features five shaving elements, including a new ProLift trimmer that helps lift longer hairs away from your skin, providing a smoother, more efficient shave—even on days worth of stubble (up to seven, according to the brand). Those blades, combined with UltraSonic Technology that delivers 10,000 vibrations per minute and AutoSense technology that detects the density of your beard and adjusts the power, makes the Series 9 Pro what Braun calls their most efficient shaver ever and supports their claim to cut down shaving time by 10%. The head also has an updated lock that stops the swivel in order to shave hard to reach areas like under your nose and chin with more precision.
Perhaps the most innovative feature of the Braun Series 9 Pro, however, isn’t even in the razor itself–it’s in the new Power Case. While slightly bulky, the Power Case is a chargeable travel holder that can hold 1 and a half full charges, effectively extending shave time by 6 weeks without ever needing to plug it in. You have the option to buy the razor with or without the Power Case, but I’ve found it so convenient for both my small, cluttered bathroom and traveling that I can’t imagine not having it. For those with more space on their bathroom counters, there is the optional SmartCare Center, a countertop charger and cleaner combo that hygienically cleans the razor after every use in addition to charging.
Other features of the razor are pretty standard for a top-of-the-line electric razor at this price point. It’s 100% waterproof, so you have the option of shaving dry or with product (or in the shower) depending on your preference. The powerful battery holds 60 minutes of charge and it has a quick-charge function for when you can’t wait around for a full battery.
I’m always skeptical of claims like “most efficient,” but in this case, after using the Braun Series 9 Pro for a few months, I believe it. Compared to the razor I was using before, which was not a Braun (the brand is careful to note that their efficiency claim is only compared to their own models), my shave time was definitely cut down. A completely dry shave that would usually take about five minutes to complete is now down to roughly three. And even though I shave every day, I was able to test the stubble claim, too. After a bout of the flu that kept me in bed for three days, I had about four days of stubble to tackle. The resulting shave with the Series 9 Pro did actually result in the same closeness and smoothness I get every day without the need to prolong the shave or go back over multiple areas. The sideburn trimmer feature even provides the quickest, most effective trim I’ve had with an electric razor without the need to go back multiple times to clean it up.
Make no mistake about it, this is a high-end luxury electric razor and the price matches, but to get top of the line results, you’ve got to be willing to shell out a little cash. The basic model is $299, the model with the SmartCare Center will run you $329, and the top of the line model with both the SmartCare Center and the Power Case is $349. The Power Case model is currently sold out, but in my personal opinion, it’s worth waiting for the Power Case alone because it’s such a game changer, especially if you travel often. It sounds like a lot to shell out for a razor, I know, but in my experience, not only is the shave consistently better with this razor, but you also save time which, let’s get real, is invaluable.
If you can afford it, the Braun Series 9 Pro is worth the investment. It’s easily the most efficient razor I’ve tried and delivers a shave that’s nearly unparalleled when it comes to electric razors. The extra bells and whistles, especially the Power Case, are icing on the cake.