Cult of the Lamb weapons are offered at random, but it’s still worthwhile knowing which ones to keep an eye out for, which to drop, and how to improve your odds
Wondering about the best Cult of the Lamb weapons? With RNG heavily influencing your progress through this roguelike game, you won’t have a lot of choice over which weapons you wield against the four Cult of the Lamb Bishops and their followers. However, once you know which ones are better than others, how to increase your damage, and how to improve your weapon pool, you’ll be spilling your enemies’ blood with ease.
As you start a crusade, you’ll be offered a weapon and, before long, a curse. That starting weapon is randomly generated each time though, and is lost when the crusade ends. As you defeat dungeons, you may be rewarded with a new weapon choice. Similarly, as you venture through various paths, you might come across a Merchant room, also offering you new weapons to take with you. Since you only carry one weapon (and one curse) at a time, it’s good to know what you’ve got – and what you want. For more information on the different rooms you might find in Cult of the Lamb, take a look at our beginner’s guide before reading on for the best Cult of the Lamb weapons available.
There are five base weapons available in Cult of the Lamb which can be upgraded over time; Traitor’s Razor, Crusader’s Blade, Apostate’s Cleaver, Tempest’s Gauntlets and Warmaker’s Hammer. In simpler terms, a dagger, a sword, an axe, and, well, gauntlets and a hammer. These weapons all vary in range, speed, and damage.
The best weapon in Cult of the Lamb to look out for on your travels is undoubtedly the Cleaver. While the axe might be slightly slower to wield than the dagger or sword, it deals far more damage at a slightly wider range, giving you a bit more of a chance to pre-empt their moves. The hammer deals the most damage, but not only is it far more rare than the Cleaver, it also makes you slower than follower enemies, and is only really useful against bosses.
In lieu of the Cleaver, the next best weapon to look out for in the Lands of the Old Faith is the Tempest’s Gauntlets. While each single blow doesn’t deal a lot of damage, land three consecutive hits in a combo, each with increased damage, and finish on a devastating final blow.
Whichever weapon fate hands you, it’s important to remember their speed and range. Don’t get too close to an enemy with an axe or hammer or you’ll just miss them completely. Plus, you’ll be using this weapon to harvest materials on your crusade as well, helping you gather lumber and stone among other resources.
As you gain followers and deliver engaging sermons, you collect Faith, unlocking a new skill tree. While you have the separate Divine Inspiration tree for cult buildings and upgrades, the Faith skill tree is solely for weapons and curses. From here, you are able to unlock Might of the Devout levels I – V. Each level of Might of the Devout increases the starter level of weapon you find on your crusades, increasing their best stats.
Aside from these base weapons, your weapon upgrade tree also gives you the option to unlock new weapon types: Bane, Vampiric, Necromantic, Zealous, Merciless, and Godly. Each of these releases a new range of weapons into your loot pool, with each category containing its own dagger, sword, axe, gauntlets, and hammer.
While each of these adds to your weapon pool, they do not replace the base tools, so even with all of these unlocked, you could still be offered a basic Traitor’s Razor as you head off on crusade.
Finally, certain Tarot Cards and Rituals can increase your strength, attack damage, and more, so be sure to pick up every item you can and keep your cult growing. When you come across a Merchant offering weapons, or you’re rewarded with weapons after defeating a dungeon, you don’t have to take any, so if you prefer what you’ve got, don’t be afraid to stick with it.
Now you have an idea of which weapons you might want with you as you head into the Lands of the Old Faith, you’ll be able to succeed on crusades, keep your followers’ faith high, and prevent dissension. If you do have Cult of the Lamb dissenters running rife in your cult, though, check out our guide to re-educating them – or punishing them.
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