Shaving in summer: Advice, tips, tricks, and mistakes to avoid

2022-06-24 23:54:23 By : Ms. cherry cai

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The ultimate guide to soothing razor burn, avoiding ingrown hairs and getting a smooth and lasting glow.

The season of heatwaves and holidays is here and for many, this boost of glorious sunshine marks changes in our beauty routines. Not only can summer signpost a switch from heavy balms to lightweight gels in our facial skincare; the call for fewer clothes can also get us thinking about our body care routines, particularly hair removal and shaving. In fact, 93% of adults in the UK admitted to shaving more frequently in summer, according to a study by razor subscription service Estrid.

But when over-shaving or shaving incorrectly can have uncomfortable, bumpy consequences, what's the best way to get the cleanest, healthiest shave every time?

Ridding your skin of dirt and dead skin cells is a great way to keep congestion from building up beneath the surface, so the right kind of exfoliating just before you shave is crucial.

“Shaving can cause micro-cuts in the skin so physical exfoliators can be too abrasive to use in conjunction with shaving,” says dermatologist Dr Sonia Khorana. “Instead, I would recommend opting for a gentler chemical exfoliator. Ingredients like alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) and PHAs work to exfoliate the skin by encouraging cellular turnover and can come in varying percentages suitable for different skin types.”

And remember: Always exfoliate before shaving, rather than after, to avoid irritating your skin unnecessarily post-shave.

The tools we use matter. In the same way that dirty makeup brushes can cause pimples on our faces, a rusty, blunt razor can affect the hygiene and efficacy of your shave.

“We recommend switching your blade after 5-7 uses to help achieve a super ‘clean’ shave,” says Caroline Hansson, Head of Product Development at Estrid. “In terms of a great razor, you should be looking for five blades. This will help you to achieve the closest and smoothest results. A great razor will also have a moisturising strip to help nourish your skin as you go. That’s often the big difference between disposable razors and a premium razor.”

In the list of shaving 'do nots', dry shaving takes the top spot. It is important to soak your skin for at least 3-5 minutes before you start, making sure to use a nourishing shaving lubricant, such as the Estrid Shave Cream, to reduce friction on the skin. This simple step will massively reduce your risk of shaving-induced irritation and keep your skin smooth and supple.

Work in short strokes following the direction your hair grows, making sure to rinse your razor regularly between strokes.

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You may think that your shaving routine ends when you put your razor down, however keeping those annoying, prickly bumps at bay takes aftercare, too: Never skip your post-shave skincare.

As previously mentioned, shaving can cause nicks and cuts that the naked eye can’t see so it’s best to keep your body creams simple and sensitive-friendly for the hours that follow. Avoid applying lotions with active ingredients or creams with strong fragrances as they can irritate. Instead, Dr Khorana says to opt for hydrating and nourishing ingredients such as glycerin, squalane and ceramides to calm, soothe and gently boost your skin’s natural barrier.

You can make the most of your body cream by applying it immediately after getting out of the shower, when the skin is still damp and most absorbent.

When your hair first begins to grow back, a few simple maintenance tricks will keep your skin tip-top, and make the whole process, well, smoother.

“If you are prone to razor bumps, which is particularly common in people whose hair has the tendency to curl back on itself or grow sideways into the hair follicle, it is important to exfoliate your skin between shaves,” Dr Khorana explains. “It is one of the best ways to keep bumps at bay and ensure that your next shave is smooth sailing.”

She says that exfoliating twice a week, alongside moisturising regularly to support the skin barrier, is the perfect routine to refresh your skin and reduce regrowth bumps, ingrown hairs and texture between shaving sessions.

While Dr Khorana assures us that shaving rash and razor burns will usually heal over time, there are a few things you can do to speed up the process.

“Try wetting a clean washcloth with cold water and applying it to the affected area. This may help to reduce any redness and discomfort caused by razor rash,” she says. “Keep things very simple and use a gentle emollient or moisturiser to help calm the area and avoid any irritation. You can also use a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream for a few days to help with this kind of rash – your pharmacist can guide you with this.”

She says that while razor burn is rarely serious, you should consult your doctor if you start noticing pus-filled spots or signs of infection.

For post-holiday luminosity without prolonged sun damage, many of us like to reach for a glow-giving self-tan. However, keeping in mind what we’ve learned about applying active skincare after shaving, how long should we wait before applying self-tan?

“I always recommend shaving a good few hours before applying self-tan,” says facialist and tanning expert Michaella Bolder. “For example, shaving the evening before you tan, or shaving in the morning then applying tan 1-3 hours later to allow the skin to settle. Shaving after you have tanned is okay and shouldn't affect your result but remember to use a clean, fresh razor so you get a smooth and even finish.”