The following guide will be all about the weapons you can find and wield in Salt and Sacrifice.
There are tons of weapons in the game that any class can use after unlocking the skill required for the weapon. There are 13 categories of melee weapons and 6 categories of ranged weapons. All these weapons come with runic arts.
Each category of weapons features a weapon class. The class starts from 0 and reaches a maximum of 5. This increases the power of the weapon. Below are all the weapons that Salt and Sacrifice have according to their categories.
Following are the Bludgeons in Salt and Sacrifice:
Drowning Mallet Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Drowning Void and Suffocating Rain.
Glyphstone Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Glyph Barrage and Glyph Vortex. The weapon requires a Storied Heart x1, Tattooed finger x2, and Runicd Tongue x5 to be crafted.
Golden Spector Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Focused Divinity, Clear All and Cure Wounds. The weapon requires Golden Heart x1, Martyr Bone x2, and Ashen Relic x5 to be crafted.
Jeweled Mallet Scales with Strength and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Hungering Skulls, Belching Death, and Encroaching Death. The weapon requires Rotted Heart x1, Fetid Lever x2, and Decayed Gut x5 to be crafted.
Meat Hammer Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Bloodflies and Meat Hooks. The weapon requires Stitched Heart x1, Combined Organ x2, and Weaved Flesh x5 to be crafted.
Jeweled Mallet Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Glyph Vortex. The weapon requires Clkowork Heart x1, Noble Oil x2, and Mechanum Gear x5 to be crafted.
Runed Mace Scales with Strength and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Cure Wounds. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Smith’s Hammer Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Jeweled Mallet Scales with Scaling1 and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can be purchased from Shopkeeper Arnald for 500 silver pieces.
Following are the Glaives in Salt and Sacrifice:
Altarstone Glaive Scales with Strength and Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts.
Blood-brain Halberd Scales with Strength and Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Thinking Heart x1, Enlarged Lobe x2, and Slippery Node x5 to be crafted.
Rothook Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Fleshunger and Circling Swarm. The weapon requires Stitched Heart x1, Combined Organ x2, and Weaved Flesh x5 to be crafted.
Scalesworn Glaive Scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Conviction and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Scaly Heart x1, Drake’s Claw x2, and x5 to be crafted.
Shadow Naginata Scales with Strength and Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Purest Dark and Umbral Wave. The weapon requires Void Heart x1, Creeping Claw x2, and Sunken Eye x5 to be crafted.
Stormglaive Scales with Arcana and Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Electrify and Lightning Columns. The weapon requires Cracking Heart x1, Silver Tooth x2, and Graphite Nail x5 to be crafted.
Tombtender’s Voulge Scales with Strength and Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Rotted Heart x1, Fetid Liver x2, and Decayed Gut x5 to be crafted.
Following are the GreatBlades in Salt and Sacrifice:
Blade of Teeth Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Blazing Blade. The weapon requires Burning Heart x1, Ash Cacked Lung x3, and Gel Sac x5 to be crafted.
Brutish Blade Dropped by Brutes.
Cleaver of Flies Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Circling Swarm and Hunting Swarm. The weapon requires Stitched Heart x1, Combined Organ x3, and Weaved Flesh x5 to be crafted.
Crude Greatblade Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts.
Earcutter Scales with Strength and Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts.
Force Greatblade Scales with Strength and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Blast. The weapon requires Quivering Heart x1, Glowing Flesh x3, and Kinetic Bone x5 to be crafted.
Mechanum Ripsaw Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Toxic Blast. The weapon requires Clockwork Heart x1, Noble Oil x3, and Mechanum Gear x5 to be crafted.
Oar of the Deep Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Deep Geysers. The weapon requires Drowned Heart x1, Weeping Gland x3, and Waterlogged Organ x5 to be crafted.
Storied Greatblade Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Loud words. The weapon requires Storied Heart x1, Tattooed Finger x3, and Runicd Tongue x5 to be crafted.
Temporal Razor Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Time Essence. The weapon requires Shifting Heart x1, Seeing Eye x3, and Temporal Lobe x5 to be crafted.
Following are the Greathammers in Salt and Sacrifice:
Codex Maul Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Glyph Vortex and Glyph Rain. The weapon requires Storied Heart x1, Tattooed Finger x2, and Runicd Tongue x5 to be crafted.
Draconic Axe Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Draconic Sharpness and Draconic Grasp. The weapon requires Scaly Heart x1, Drake’s Claw x2, and Ember Scale x5 to be crafted.
Drowned Greathammer Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Deep. The weapon requires Drowned Heart x1, Weeping Gland x2, and Waterlogged Organ x5 to be crafted.
Earthshatter Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Earth Spikes and Glyph Rain. The weapon requires Stone Heart x1, Earthen Lobe x2, and Stony Backbone x5 to be crafted.
Exalted Greathammer Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Gray Seekers.
Executioner’s Maul Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts.
Glave of Judgement Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Focused Divinity, Ethereal Guardians, and Divine Mace. The weapon requires Golden Heart x1, Martyr’s Bone x2, and Ashen Relic x5 to be crafted.
Head Taker Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Divine Blessing and Divine Wrath.
Mechanum Maul Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Vitae Source. The weapon requires Clockwork Heart x1, Noble Oil x2, and Mechanum Gear x5 to be crafted.
Tomb Greathammer Possesses no Runic.
Following are the Halfspears in Salt and Sacrifice:
Blueheart Twinblade Possesses no Runic Arts.
Deeplake Staff Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Drowning Void and Suffocating Rain. The weapon requires Drowned Heart x1, Weeping Gland x2, and Waterlogged Organ x5 to be crafted.
Divine Staff Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Focused Divinity, Cure Wounds, and Cure All. The weapon requires Golden Heart x1, Martyr’s Bone x2, and Ashen Relic x5 to be crafted.
Icemetal Twinspear Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Icelance and Ice Darts. The weapon requires Frozen Heart x1, Icy Lung x2, and Blue Finger x5 to be crafted.
Luminous Spear Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Luminous Blade, Star of Three, and Celestial Lance. The weapon requires Bright Heart x1, Brilliant Eye x2, and Lucent Node x5 to be crafted.
Shattering Sky Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Electrify and Lightning Columns. The weapon requires Cracking Heart x1, Silver Tooth x2, and Graphite Nail x5 to be crafted.
Temporal Twinsickle Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Time Column and Time Blades. The weapon requires Shifting Heart x1, Seeing Eye x2, and Temporal Lobe x5 to be crafted.
Twinvoid Bo Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Purest Dark and Motes of Void. The weapon requires Void Heart x1, Creeping Claw x2, and Sunken Eye x5 to be crafted.
Unliving Crook Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Dancing Spores, Antidot, and Dying Field. The weapon requires Moldy Heart x1, Morel Sac x2, and Spore Bag x5 to be crafted.
Venom Halfspear Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Envenom and Suffocating Rain. The weapon requires Poison Heart x1, Venom Gland x2, and Toxic Gut x5 to be crafted.
Wooden Spear Scales with Dexterity and doesn’t possesses Runic Arts. It can be bought from Shopkeeper Arnald for an exchange of 500 Silver pieces.
Following are the Highblades in Salt and Sacrifice:
Arc Surge Scales with Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Charged Blade. The weapon requires Cracking Heart x1, Silver Tooth x2, and Graphite Nail x5 to be crafted.
Blade of Order Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Sheriff’s Edge, Storm of Judgement, and Divine Darts. Blade of Order can be acquired after interacting with Sheriff Inquisitor Kier.
Blazebrand Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Blazing Blade. The weapon requires Burning Heart x1, Ash Caked Lung x2, and Gel Sac x5 to be crafted.
Bloodrazor Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Bloodletter. The weapon requires Glistening Heart x1, Sanguinary Cluster x2, and Hungry Vein x5 to be crafted.
Eclipse Razor Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Purest Dark and Umbral Wave. The weapon requires Void Heart x1, Creeping Claw x2, and Sunken Eye x5 to be crafted.
Sharpest Force Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Purest Force. The weapon requires Quivering Heart x1, Glowing Flesh x2, and Kinetic Bone x5 to be crafted.
Steel Blade Possesses no Runic Arts and can’t be crafted.
Tombtender’s Highblade Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Hungering Skulls and Belching Death. The weapon requires Rotted Heart x1, Fetid Liver x2, and Decayed Gut x5 to be crafted.
Following are the Rapiers in Salt and Sacrifice:
Blueheart Blade Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Blue Motes and Blue Lance. The weapon cannot be crafted. Blueheart Blade can be purchased from Blueheart Faction Representative.
Brilliant Rapier Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Luminous Blade, Star of Three, and Celestial Lance. The weapon requires Bright Heart x1, Brilliant Eye x2, and Lucent Node x5 to be crafted.
Crismon Blade Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Null Sphere and Wicked Bite. The weapon requires Glistering Heart x1, Sanguinary Cluster x2, and Hungry Vein x5 to be crafted.
Deceit Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Burning Torment and Inphyrean Barbs. The weapon requires Infernal Heart x1, Jagged Sternum x2, and Runicd Knuckle x5 to be crafted.
Dragon’s Bite Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Draconic Sharpness, Dragon’s Blessings, and Dragon’s Wrath. The weapon requires Scaly Heart x1, Drak’s Claw x2, and Ember Scale x5 to be crafted.
Flashbade Scales with Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Charged Blade. The weapon requires Cracking Heart x1, Silver Tooth x2, and Graphite Nail x5 to be crafted.
Icicle Pierce Scales with Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Infused Ice. The weapon requires Frozen Heart x1, Icy Lung x2, and Blue Finger x5 to be crafted.
Mistral Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Howling Metal. The weapon requires Ethereal Heart x1, Misty Lung x2, and Cloudy Vein x5 to be crafted.
Steel Rapier Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Following are the Sickles in Salt and Sacrifice:
Bloodletter’s Scythe Possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon cannot be crafted.
Gale Crescent Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Aero Blades and Cyclone. The weapon requires Ethereal Heart x1, Misty Lung x2, and Cloudy Vein x5 to be crafted.
Hungering Funeral Possesses no Runic Arts and can’t be crafted to be crafted.
Inphyrean Scythe Scales with Dexterity, Strength, and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Inphyrean Barbs. The weapon requires Infernal Heart x1, Jagged Sternum x2, and Runicd Knuckle x5 to be crafted.
Mind Eater Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Mind Blast and Mind Nova. The weapon requires Thinking Heart x1, Enlarged Lobe x2, and Slippery Node x5 to be crafted.
Temporal Reaper Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Time Column, Time Blades, and Phantom Valley. The weapon requires Shifting Heart x1, Seeing Eye x2, and Temporal Lobe x5 to be crafted.
Tombtender’s Reaper Scales with Dexterity, Strength, and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Hungering Skulls, Belching Death, and Chthonic Guillotine. The weapon requires Rotted Heart x1, Fetid Liver x2, and Decayed Gut x5 to be crafted.
Wooden Scythe Possesses no Runic Arts and can’t be crafted.
Following are the Staves in Salt and Sacrifice:
Ashbone Stave Scales with Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Firebolts, Flamewave, and Flame Orb. The weapon requires Burning Heart x1, Ash Caked Lung x2, and Gel Sac x5 to be crafted.
Blightmind Stave Scales with Arcana and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Mind Blast, Mind Nova, and Neural Net. The weapon requires Thinking Heart x1, Enlarged Lobe x2, and Slippery Node x5 to be crafted.
Caustic Stave Scales with Arcana and Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Venom Missiles and Venom Torment. The weapon requires Poison Heart x1, Venom Gland x2, and Toxic Gut x5 to be crafted.
Damp-rot Stave Scales with Arcana and Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Dancing Spores, Antidote, and Dying Field. The weapon requires Moldy Heart x1, Moral Sac x2, and Spore Bag x5 to be crafted.
Earthshaper Stave Scales with Arcana and Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Rock Ridge and Shrapnel Bomb. The weapon requires Stone Heart x1, Earthen Lobe x2, and Stony Backbone x5 to be crafted.
Forager’s Stave Possesses no Runic Arts and can’t be crafted.
Galvanic Stave Scales with Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. lightning Bolts and Dancing Spores. The weapon requires Crackling Heart x1, Silver Tooth x2, and Graphite Nail x5 to be crafted.
Glacial Stave Scales with Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Ice Darts and Ice Torrent. The weapon requires Frozen Heart x1, Icy Lung x2, and Blue Finger x5 to be crafted.
Iron-band Stave Scales with Arcana and Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Force Missiles. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Stave of Force Scales with Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Force Scar, Force Cross, and Force Rift. The weapon requires Quivering Heart x1, Glowing Flesh x2, and Kinetic Bone x5 to be crafted.
Stave of Mercy Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Cure Wounds, Cure All, and Ethereal Guardians. The weapon requires Golden Heart x1, Martyr’s Bone x2, and Ashen Relic x5 to be crafted.
Stave of Scrolls Scales with Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Glyph Barrage, Glyph Vortex, and Glyph Rain. The weapon requires Storied Heart x1, Tattooed Finger x2, and Runicd Tongue x5 to be crafted.
Vampiric Stave Possesses Runic Arts i.e. Blood Blessing and Wicked Bite. The weapon requires Glistening Heart x1, San x2, and Slippery Node x5 to be crafted.
Following are the Twindaggers in Salt and Sacrifice:
Dakutachi Scales with Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Purest Dark. The weapon requires Void Heart x1, Creeping Claw x2, and Sunken Eye x5 to be crafted.
Fleshrippers Scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Fleshhunger. The weapon requires Stitched Heart x1, Combined Organ x2, and Weaved Flesh x5 to be crafted.
Hunter’s Daggers Scales with Dexterity and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Howling Metal. The weapon requires Ethereal Heart x1, Misty Lung x2, and Cloudy Vein x5 to be crafted.
Stave of Mercy Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts.
Shrouded Razors Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Blood Blade and Blood Marks. The weapon requires Golden Heart x1, Martyr’s Bone x2, and Ashen Relic x5 to be crafted.
Timetakers Scales with Dexterity and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Time Essence.
Two Elegies Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Necrotic Blades. The weapon requires Rotted Heart x1, Fetid Liver x2, and Decayed gut x5 to be crafted.
Venombite Fangs Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Envenom.
Following are the Twohanders in Salt and Sacrifice:
Bedrock Slab Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Earth Spikes. The weapon requires Stone Heart x1, Earthen Lobe x2, and Stony Backbone x5 to be crafted.
Blade of Dawn Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Leash of Dawn and Crescent of Dawn. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Dragon’s Maw Scales with Strength and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Draconic Sharpness. The weapon requires Golden Heart x1, Martyr’s Bone x2, and Ashen Relic x5 to be crafted.
Eternal Greatsword Possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Hallowed Greatsword Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Inphyrean Flame Scales with Strength and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Inphyrean Barbs. The weapon requires Infernal Heart x1, Jagged Sternum x2, and Runicd Knucle x5 to be crafted.
Mangle Bade Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Circling Swarm and Hunting Swarm. The weapon requires Stitched Heart x1, Combined Organ x2, and Weaved Flesh x5 to be crafted.
Stillness Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Infused Ice. The weapon requires Stone Frozen Heart x1, Icy Lung x2, and Blue Finger x5 to be crafted.
Tombtender’s Guillotine Scales with Strength and Arcana possesses Runic Arts i.e. Chthonic Guillotine. The weapon requires Rotted Heart x1, Fetid Liver x2, and Decayed Gut x5 to be crafted.
Whirlwind Blade Scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Conviction and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Aero Blades and Cyclones. The weapon requires Ethereal Heart x1, Misty Lung x2, and Cloudy Vein x5 to be crafted.
Zweilhander Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Following are the Vanguards in Salt and Sacrifice:
Frostpick Vanguard Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Infused Ice. The weapon requires Frozen Heart x1, Icy Lung x2, and Blue Finger x5 to be crafted.
Iron Vanguard Possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Knight’s Vanguard Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts i.e. Infused Ice.
Frostpick Vanguard Scales with Strength and Conviction and possess Runic Arts i.e. Divine Blessing.
Redscar Vanguard Scales with Strength and Arcana possesses Runic Arts i.e. Blazing Blade and Fire Storm.
Rootspoken Vanguard Possesses no Runic Arts i.e. Infused Ice. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Skallin Vanguard Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts i.e. Infused Ice. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Tempest Vanguard Scales with Strength and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Aero Blades. The weapon requires Ethereal Heart x1, Misty Lung x2, and Cloudy Vein x5 to be crafted.
Following are the Whips in Salt and Sacrifice:
Chain Whip Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Inphyrean Chain Scales with Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Icelance and Burning Torment and Inphyrean Barbs. The weapon requires Infernal Heart x1, Jagged Sternum x2, and Runicd Knuckle x5 to be crafted.
Leather Whip Scales with Dexterity and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts.
Neutral Coil Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Mind Blast and Mind Nova. The weapon requires Thinking Heart x1, Enlarged Lobe x2, and Slippery Node x5 to be crafted.
Serpentine Scourge Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Venom Missiles and Infuse. The weapon requires Poison Heart x1, Venom Gland x2, and Toxic Gut x5 to be crafted.
Smuggler’s Bane Scales with Dexterity, Conviction, and Luck and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Sheriff’s Edge and Divine Darts.
Tendril Leash Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Dancing Spores and Dying Field. The weapon requires Mmoldy Heart x1, Mored Sac x2, and Spore Bag x5 to be crafted.
Icemental Whip Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Icelance and Ice Darts. The weapon requires Frozen Heart x1, Icy Lung x2, and Blue Finger x5 to be crafted.
Vertabral Column Scales with Strength, Conviction, and Luck and possesses Runic Arts i.e. Guardian Cluster and Hungering Spears.
Following are the Channeling Rods in Salt and Sacrifice:
Channeling Rod Possesses no Runic Arts. They can’t be crafted.
Icemental Whip Scales with Arcana and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Tattooed Finger x2, Runed Tongue x4, and Forgotten Page x6 to be crafted.
Cryo Rod Scales with Arcana and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Icy Lung x2, Blue Finger x4, and Icy Vein x6 to be crafted.
Icemental Whip Scales with Arcana and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Jagged Sternum x2, Runed Knuckle x4, and Demon Fang x6 to be crafted.
Mindspike Rod Scales with Arcana and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires an Enlarged Lobe x2, Slippery Node x4, and Neural Fluid x6 to be crafted.
Windstorm Rod Scales with Arcana and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Misty Lung x2, Cloudy Vein x4, and Longing Whip x6 to be crafted.
Following are the Crossbows in Salt and Sacrifice:
Bloodhunt Arbarlest Scales with Dexterity and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Sanguinary Cluster x2, Hungry Vein x4, and Sanguine Drop x6 to be crafted.
Chronocraft Arbalest Scales with Dexterity and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Seeing Eye x2, Temporal Lobe x4, and Ephemeral Lash x6 to be crafted.
Mechanical Crossbow Scales with Dexterity and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Noble Oil x2, Mechanum Gear x4, and Hidden Spring x6 to be crafted.
Sturdy Crossbow Scales with Dexterity and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon can’t be crafted.
Venom Crossbow Scales with Dexterity and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Venom Gland x2, Toxic Gut x4, and Poison Drop x6 to be crafted.
Wooden Crossbow Scales with Dexterity and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts.
Following are the Shortbows in Salt and Sacrifice:
Hunter’s Shortbow Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts.
Frozen Fang Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Icy Lung x2, Blue Finger x4, and Icy Vein x6 to be crafted.
Goldenlight Bow Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Silver Tooth x2, Graphite Nail x4, and Static Fiber x6 to be crafted.
Red-and-Gold Greatbow Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Drake’s Claw x2, Ember Scale x4, and Dragon’s Tear x6 to be crafted.
Redwood Bow Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Moral Sac x2, Spore Bag x4, and Puff Pod x6 to be crafted.
Wooden Shortbow Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts.
Following are the Throwing Axes in Salt and Sacrifice:
Crystal Axe Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts.
Earthshatter Axe Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Earthen Lobe x2, Stony Backbone x4, and Granite Mote x6 to be crafted.
Fleshhunter Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Combined Organ x2, Weaved Flesh x4, and Pained Leather x6 to be crafted.
Oathgrasp Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts.
Steel Throwing Axe Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts.
Throwing Axe Scales with Strength and possesses no Runic Arts.
Following are the Throwing Daggers in Salt and Sacrifice:
Cinderblades Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Ash-Caked Lung x2, Gel Sac x4, and Sooted Nail x6 to be crafted.
Crystal Daggers Possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Glowing Flesh x2, Kinetic Bone x4, and Force Mote x6 to be crafted.
Dark Kunai Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Creeping Claw x2, Sunken Eye x4, and Glistening Dark x6 to be crafted.
Harvest’s Bounty Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts.
Serpent Fangs Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Venom Gland x2, Toxic Gut x4, and Poison Drop x6 to be crafted.
Throwing Knives Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts.
Throwing Stilettos Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Saguinary Cluster x2, Hungry Vein x4, and Sanguine Drop x6 to be crafted.
Timepiercer Blades Scales with Dexterity and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Seeing Eye x2, Temporal Lobe x4, and Ephemeral Lash x6 to be crafted.
Following are the Thrown Weapons in Salt and Sacrifice:
Deep Pods Scales with Strength and Conviction and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Weeping Gland x2, Waterlogged Organ x4, and Deep Drop x6 to be crafted.
Flasks of Judgement Scales with Conviction and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Martyr’s Bone x2, Ashen Relic x4, and Silver Note x6 to be crafted.
Luminous Spheres Scales with Conviction and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Brilliant Eye x2, Lucent Node x4, and Shining Drop x6 to be crafted.
Mechanum Bombs Scales with Strength and Luck and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Noble Oil x2, Mechanum Gear x4, and Hidden Spring x6 to be crafted.
Spore Pods Scales with Dexterity and Arcana and possesses no Runic Arts. The weapon requires Moral Sac x2, Spore Bag x4, and Puff Pod x6 to be crafted.