I first shaved my head 11 years ago, during Leo season to be exact. I was in college, and I never expected that decision to have such a positive impact on my life.
While taking the plunge can be scary at first, over the past decade, I've fallen in love with being bald-headed, and appreciate everything the experience has brought me. For starters, I've saved a ton of money by not having to pay for consistent haircuts and salon appointments, which for Black women can be extremely costly. I've also gotten back a lot of time, which has only resulted in being able to do more of the things I love, and increased my productivity. Plus, my confidence and self-esteem have both been boosted since there is nothing to hide behind anymore.
As Black women in America, our natural hair has been politicized and used as a weapon against us, ultimately keeping us from accessing opportunities and spaces. This has permeated every aspect of our lives, from the workplace, to relationships, dating, and sports.
Black women have had and continue to pay the price — literally by spending more than any other race on hair care products to try and conform to unrealistic white European, racist, misogynist standards of what beauty should look like. And as a result, we have grown up dealing with microaggressions because of our hair, and believing that our natural beauty is undesirable and will never be "enough."
The damage of these harmful beautiful ideals has continued to linger in the Black community. And it results in Black women being far more prone to hair loss due to over manipulation, all because of the effort we put in to avoid having short "nappy-headed" hair.
All that said, seeing as Leo season is all about confidence, being bold, and feeling inspired — it's the perfect time for Black women who've been toying with the idea of the big chop to just do it. Give yourself that long-awaited feeling of freedom and empowerment; give yourself an opportunity to rediscover who you really are. Black women owe it to themselves to break free of these toxic beliefs that are holding them back from accepting their true beauty and essence.
I currently shave my head once a week, and the feeling of starting fresh makes me feel so powerful and more in tune with my womanhood than ever before — more so than when I had long hair.
But despite European ideals still being seen as the benchmark, it seems like more Black women are moving away from this and disregarding fragile opinions.
We saw Jada Pinkett Smith embrace and come to love her baldness, even after being publicly humiliated at the Oscars. Democratic Representative Ayanna Pressley finally ditched the wigs and weaves after years of hiding, Symone Sanders has her own national TV show. And Doja Cat, Saweetie as well as other artists have recently debuted a beautiful bald head.
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In my own personal life, I've recently had more Black women than ever strike up conversations, looking to dive deeper into what prompted me to shave my head. The chats are always fun and usually end with them telling me that they have always wanted to cut off all their hair, but that they never felt they could.
Well, now is the time to do it! Leo season is almost over, but there's still a few days left before we enter the era of the Virgos. And if you need a little more convincing on whether you think you can "own" a bald, bold look, check out these bald beautiful Black women who are proof that if they can do it, you can too!