No, dressing up for men is not just about donning a good shirt. Careful effort also goes into what can make or break the day for them: the beard. Clean or shaped, dense or light, facial hair go a long way in empowering men of style and expressing their mood throughout the day. No wonder that a three-day stubble could cause them to run to the barber, or even risk a nick for a last minute date.
Well, not any more of course.
With the new and evolved Gillette Fusion 5 razor, the brand has revolutionised over-the-sink routines in a whole new way. With five blades in the front for shaving, the tool comes with a back blade for styling, so that men can take charge of their grooming like never before.
Gone are the days when men had to choose between a bland shave and a barbershop visit. The Gillette Fusion 5 razor takes grooming to a new level with its styling back-blade, which allows them to shape their facial hair the way they want. In addition to the five razor blades for a clean shave, the blade on the back of the cartridge allows one to play with shapes and styles of beards.
This new styling and shaving tool is bound to be an ergonomic addition to anyone’s grooming kit. Its flexible microfin comfort guard and closely set blades work in tandem to gently set up the beard and give a close and comfortable shave consistently. The back blades are perfect for tricky spots such as sideburns, under the nose, and around facial hair styling. The advanced 5-blade technology reduces pressure per blade, which means that one can get that last-minute shave with all the comfort and none of the slits. Overslept on a Tuesday? Looking sharp is now one less thing you’ll have to worry about.
An intuitive design allows a 180-degree transition between the shaving surface on the front and the blades on the back. Each of the 10 anti-friction blades lasts up to 20 shaves, so you’re not left in the lurch with a spent razor at the last moment. And that’s not it! A newly coloured handle lends a new look to this grooming tool like never before. So now you’ll not only have the same great control in every shave, but also stay inspired to take on the world in style. Make Gillette Fusion 5 an essential part of your grooming kit today.