GoLocalProv | Man Reports Being Cut With Razor by Boyfriend in Heated Fight in Providence

2022-09-02 23:38:46 By : Ms. shiny Miss

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View Larger + File photo A man told Providence police he was cut by his boyfriend in a heated fight over the weekend. 

Police say that on Sunday afternoon, they responded to a report made at Central Station of a felony assault.

The victim — a male in his 30s — said that he had been out with his boyfriend at Donigan Park in Olneyville late Saturday night, when the two men began arguing about their relationship.

According to police, the victim — who was wearing blood-stained clothing — said during the fight, his partner took out a razor and cut him on his arms and legs. 

The victim provided police with a description of his partner and his residence location. 

Detectives are currently investigating. 

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