Hair removal of all kinds is super annoying. And while it’s not something you should do if you don’t want to, plenty of people take it on. Why? People remove hair for a variety of reasons: beauty standards, personal preferences, medical issues and so on. No matter your reasoning behind hair removal is, everyone can agree that it’s a pain to deal with. One of the most common hair removal methods is shaving. However, shaving comes with quite a lot more cons than pros. While it does remove your hair, it can lead to irritation, cuts, ingrown hairs, bumps, and burns. And to top it all off the hair grows back in like two days. So, what can you do instead. Here are 5+ alternatives to shaving.
Hair removal of all kinds is super annoying
You may have heard that “beauty is pain”. However, it doesn’t really have to be. We say no more strawberry legs and razor bumps and burns! Since the creation of the razor up until today, plenty more alternatives to it have been created. And some are super creative and pain free which is a major bonus. So, what are some ways to remove hair without reaching for the razor? Let’s take a look.
Since the creation of the razor up until today, plenty more alternatives have been created
This is one of the easiest and painless hair removal methods on the market. Depilatory creams are over-the-counter cream like products that use a chemical process that helps to dissolve unwanted hairs. All you do is apply it to the area where you want to remove the skin, leave it for the suggested time period by the manufacturer and then wipe it off. Make sure to always follow the product’s instruction in order to prevent irritation or redness.
Depilatory creams are over-the-counter cream like products
Waxing is a popular hair removal technique that is a great option for certain areas of body or face. It’s a great method to use on areas of thinning hair, like the legs, chest, biking line, eyebrows, upper lips, back and underarms. While it may be a bit painful, waxing can leave you hair free from three to four weeks! You can do it at home, but it does require some practice for the best results. You can also get it done at a salon.
Wax comes in strips or in solid form that you have to heat down
Depending on how hairless you want to be, you can also try out a trimmer. You don’t need to completely remove your hair in order to get it under control. That’s where trimming can help. Trimming cuts the hair way down, but doesn’t really yank it out, which helps to avoid irritation. There are plenty of devices on the market that you can pick and choose from to suit your needs. There are waterproof ones, small ones, big ones, some that are only for the body, some that are only for the face and so on.
Trimmers are used most often by men for grooming
One of the main selling points of laser hair removal is that it’s kind of permanent or semi-permanent. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Not having to worry about hair removal anymore. Laser hair removal is a great choice. However, it is quite expensive and takes some time. You may also need follow-up sessions every now and then. Another drawback is that the laser is attracted to the pigment in dark hairs, so it may not be as effective for people with lighter hairs.
Laser hair removal is a great choice, but it is pricey
Sugaring has become very popular in recent times. This organic alternative is created from sugar, lemon juice and water. Yep, that’s it. You use this mixture much like you would use wax. It’s molded the same, and you remove the hairs the same way. However, thanks to its natural ingredients it causes much less irritation to the skin than normal wax does. So, if you have sensitive skin, this may be a good choice for you.
Sugaring has become very popular in recent times
You either love or hate epilators. There is no in between. It’s not one of the more painless hair removal methods, but it does get the job done. It’s basically like a little lawn mower for your legs. Plucking the hairs out one by one. Which means the growth time is longer, giving you hairless skin for quite some time. There are plenty of variations of this machine nowadays. You can even use some version underwater!
Epilators are basically like a little lawn mower for your legs
These were all the alternatives to shaving we have for you today. Finding what method is best for you may take some time and may be trial and error, but in the end it will be worth it. We hope you found this article helpful. And now that you know all the other different hair removal methods, you can make an informed decision which one you are going to try out next.