This year, Delta Flight Museum is again hosting the Annual Atlanta Airline Collectibles Show and Sale, bringing hundreds of aviation enthusiasts from across the country to Delta’s headquarters in Atlanta. This year’s event will be on Saturday, October 1, featuring over 50 vendors selling aviation-related items that range from airplane seats to models and playing cards.
Here are some of the rarest items found at the sale in years past:
Delta Royal Service Cart: This food service cart from 1969 was Delta’s first style of in-flight serving cart, specifically for First Class meals. Delta Flight Museum bought this item in 2007 from retired Aircraft Maintenance Technician Chuck Channing, who was on the work crew that removed this cart from the Delta Convair 880 jet later acquired by Elvis Presley.
Junior Stewardess Kiddie Wings: These wings from 1958 are Delta’s first style of junior wings given to children.
Pam American President Special Amenity Kit: This amenity kit from the 1950s was offered to first class customers who flew from New York to London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires. It includes a brass safety razor, brass razor blade container and a Gillette razor blade in a paper sleeve.
Southern Airways Display Cube: This rare find is a late 1960s/early 1970s advertising cube from Southern Airways, a carrier with history in Atlanta and throughout the U.S. South.
Model Airplanes: Every year, the show frequently features many model airplanes. Among the most rare finds are the Delta Connection Atlantic Southern Airlines (ASA) Model Airplane and the Republic Express British Bae-3101 Jetstream 31.
Breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase during the event. Proceeds benefit the Delta Flight Museum. Admission will be $10 for ages 11 and up and is free for children 10 and under. The Oct. 1 event runs 9am-3pm. No matter what, you’re sure to find many collectible items at Delta Flight Museum’s Show and Sale!