Carolina woman reveals she doesn't shave her armpits because 'we're on a floating rock' | Daily Mail Online

2022-07-22 23:26:08 By : Mr. Frank Yin

By Bridie Pearson-jones For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 03:05 EDT, 12 July 2022 | Updated: 11:46 EDT, 12 July 2022

A woman's explanation for why she never shaves her armpit hair has gone viral, with people branding her a 'hero' for deciding to stop shaving.

Jada Travis, 24, from North Carolina, shared a clip to TikTok revealing that she often gets judged by people living near her in the South of the US, despite the heat causing her underarms to scratch if she shaves.

In the video, which has racked up 4.7 million views, Jada revealed that she hasn't shaved her armpits in three years, while she proudly lifted up her arms to reveal her hair - explaining that she wanted to send a message to all of the people who make negative comments about her grooming habits. 

'I want to talk about my armpit hair today,' she began her post, while raising her arms up into the air to show off her hair. 

'And I'm going to send this video to every single person that constantly talks about it. I have not shaved my armpits in three years. That's a long time and I'm ready to talk about why.' 

She went on to add that we are 'literally on a floating rock' so 'nothing matters' and people should be able to 'do whatever the hell they want that makes them happy'. 

A 24-year-old woman from North Carolina has gone viral after opening up about why she refuses to shave her armpits - revealing she hasn't done so in three years 

#armpithairisnatural #armpithairdontcare #armpithair #whogivesashit #south #thesouth #northcarolina

'Allow me to show you the demonstration of what I have drawn this morning,' she explained, while holding up a roughly-drawn picture of planet Earth and several other planets. 

'This is us. We are on a floating rock, OK?! This is us on a floatin' rock, and we literally just go like this with all the other floatin' rocks all year round.'

The TikTok user then addressed the rude treatment she receives from strangers as a result of her grooming habits.  

'And I live in the South, and it's a very interesting place. It's a place where people don't always have their teeth, but they really value razors apparently,' she said.

Jada explained that if she travels into the city, no one will look at her, but if she heads into 'cowboy county' or the 'Dollar General Store' then people are shocked by her appearance.  

'I lift up my arm to pay, it's like the whole place is like, "Oh my god!"

'And y'all don't even have teeth. Why are you worried about using a razor? No offense - if you don't have teeth, that's OK. But you shouldn't be crappy about somebody's armpit hair.'

She also explained that she 'doesn't want to shave a part of her body that bends' because 'hair is going to grow back three hours later and scratch' with her likening it to 'creating sandpaper'.  

Jada Travis revealed on TikTok that she often gets judged by people in the South for her refusal to shave, despite the heat causing her underarms to scratch if she does so

'If you wanna shave your armpits, I don't give a crap,' she went on.

'But I don't wanna shave mine. I shaved mine for like 10 years straight. Every single day, and it just don't matter. 

'We're on a floatin' rock. So, floating rock, nothing matters, do what you want. Have your armpit hair — I don't care.'

The singer also said the key to being happy is 'to do whatever the heck you ant' and 'not let anyone get in your way'. 

She quickly racked up support from fans, with one writing: ' This is my president!'.

Another said: 'Floating rock=nothing matters I’m using this for everything in my life now thank you'.

'Sis needs to be protected at all costs,' commented a third.

She quickly racked up support from fans, with one writing: ' This is my president!'.

A fourth penned: 'I sweat SO MUCH LESS when I have armpit hair than when I shave'

Another added: 'Gorgeous gorgeous girls have armpit hair'.

Speaking to BuzzFeed, Jada said that she stopped shaving in 2019 after growing up in singing and dancing competitions which meant she always had to be clean shaven.  

'I was supposed to be stage ready at all times. During this time, I was really trying to get to know myself and figure out what I enjoyed. But, without everyone else's opinion weighing me down, I began to feel free,' she explained.

She added that she made the TikTok  out of 'the pure desire to let all my feelings out' and wanted to 'make a joke' out of all the people sending her ill will.

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