Strawberry legs aren’t anything scary. They do not itch or cause any pain, however they can make you feel self-conscious at times. The term, as you can guess by its name, comes from the similarities between the skin of shaven legs and strawberry seeds. The skin seems to have small black like “seeds” scattered all over the legs. But, don’t worry. There are plenty of methods on how to get rid of strawberry legs or prevent them in the first place. So, let’s check them out.
There are plenty of methods on how to get rid of strawberry legs
Before we learn how to get rid of strawberry legs, it’s first important to understand how they occur. The “seeds” on the skin are actually clogged pores, similar to blackheads. Enlarged pores become clogged with debris of oil and bacteria, which then oxidizes from the air giving it a dark color or the black dot that we see. But what can we do to get rid and prevent strawberry legs? Here are some of the best methods.
The “seeds” on the skin are actually just clogged pores
Prevention is better than treatment. That means that you will need to start the process a day or two before you remove the hair by shaving. Proper exfoliation can help a lot when it comes to strawberry legs. A good method you can do is dry brushing before hopping into the shower or bath. Then just soak the skin for at least ten minutes and then shave. This will help to loosen any dead cells that may be trapped inside the pores and get out any imputes.
Try dry brushing before hopping into the shower or bath
In general, exfoliation is very important when it comes to getting rid of and preventing strawberry legs. You can choose a lot of exfoliants to do so. You can use salicylic acid or a scrub or the dry brush. This all depends on you. However, using an exfoliant is a must. It helps to soften up the skin and get rid of dirt, oils, and dead skin cells. This will help to prevent all these debris to get stuck in the pores. Keep in mind that harder scrubbing doesn’t mean more effective, even a gentle exfoliant can get the job done.
Moisturizer goes hand in hand with exfoliating. After you’ve loosened up all those dead skin cells, it is essential to keep your skin nice and well-hydrated in order for the cells to shed off appropriately and naturally. If your skin is very dry try to use moisturizers that are rich in ceramides or shea butter. Moisturizer can help improve the appearance of strawberry legs and will help to prevent them from occurring in the future.
Moisturizer goes hand in hand with exfoliating
It’s very important to use quality razors when shaving. This will prevent a series of things such as razor bumps and burns, as well as strawberry legs. While you may be saving a buck by getting cheaper razors, you’re paying more in skin issues. Cheap razor dull quicker, or they aren’t sharp enough to begin with. This means you’ll be repeating your strokes which will lead to skin inflammation which makes the clogged pores way more visible. So, make sure to invest in proper razors.
It’s very important to use quality razors when shaving
You can help the shaving process go along smoother by adding some moisturizing shaving cream to your routine. You can also use hair conditioner. This will help provide a nice and clean shave without the irritation. This is thanks t the fact that the cream softens up the hair before you shave it by providing a layer of lubrication to the skin’s surface.
Help the shaving process go along smoother by using shaving cream
You may be sick of hearing these tips, but are you really sticking to them? It’s crucial to shave in the direction of the hair’s growth, not against it. Keep in mind that it’s also not good to go over the same area too many times as this will lead to irritation. Another tip is to not stretch out your skin way too much while shaving. And after you’ve shaved, make sure to moisturize!
Shave in the direction of the hair’s growth
It’s best to avoid wearing tight pants for example during workouts or intense physical activities. This is because tight clothing can cause friction between the material and the legs, consequently leading to strawberry legs. Not only that but such clothing can also lead to an infection on the hair follicles which turn into red bumps and then darken similar to strawberry legs.
Tight clothing can cause friction between the material and the legs
If you are prone to strawberry legs, irritation or ingrown hairs, maybe shaving isn’t the best hair removal technique for you. However, on the bright side, there are plenty of other to choose from, each having its pros and cons.
Sugaring is a popular natural form of waxing