The 1994 Royal Rumble was a memorable PPV for several reasons, and there's a lot that fans should know about the WWE event.
The 1994 Royal Rumble was the seventh annual Royal Rumble Event. Yokozuna, the 1993 Royal Rumble winner, entered the event as world champion proving the importance of winning the 30-man Rumble. The main card of the show featured five matches, all leading up to the main event to crown the next man that would main-event WrestleMania.
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The event featured every major wrestler of the New Generation Era and set up a ton of massive feuds. The end was also one of the strangest finishes in WWE history. This list will examine ten things fans should know about the 1994 Royal Rumble.
Royal Rumble 1994 is often remembered as the "Rumble where two people won." The final four participants were Fatu, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Lex Luger. Hart eliminated Fatu. Luger eliminated HBK.
In the end, Hart and Luger through each other out of the ring landing on the floor at the same time. WWE President at the time, Jack Tunney, announced the two would be co-winners. It is still the only Rumble event to declare more than one winner.
Although it has become commonplace for a Royal Rumble winner to challenge a world champion at WrestleMania, this was not always the case. Before 1992, the Rumble winners won...nothing. The 1992 Rumble won the WWE Championship.
The 1993 winner won a title match at WrestleMania 9 and the 1994 winner carried the condition forward. After 1994, every Royal Rumble winner earned a world title match establishing its long tradition.
Despite being WCW icons, The Steiner Brothers spent time in the WWE for a few years. They weren't there long but still managed to earn two WWE Tag Team Title runs. Although they didn't have a tag team match, both Steiners appeared in the Royal Rumble. Scott entered first and Rick entered third.
Rick never competed in another Rumble again, while Scott made one more appearance in the 2004 Royal Rumble.
The Royal Rumble is known for its massive 30-man Battle Royale. In 1994, only 29 men competed in the match. A minute after Genichiro Tenryu entered the ring, the clock ticked down to zero and no one entered the ring. It was just ignored until the next clock sounded and Rick Martel arrived.
The 25th spot was vacant but was originally supposed to be Bastion Booger. Vince McMahon stated that he didn't appear, because he didn't feel good, but did not replace him in the Rumble.
The longest-lasting wrestler in the Royal Rumble is often the winner. In 1994, this was not the case since neither Bret Hart nor Lex Luger outlasted Bam Bam Bigelow. Entering at 15, Bam Bam lasted 30:12.
He also eliminated 5 participants. In the end, he was eliminated by eventual co-winner, Lex Luger.
Diesel was the seventh person to enter the Rumble match and went on an absolute tear. He was eliminating wrestlers left and right and even tied the Rumble record, set the year before by Yokozuna, by ridding seven wrestlers from the match.
It took a team of Bam Bam Bigelow, Crush, Mabel," Sparky" Plugg, and Shawn Michaels to eliminate Diesel. In the end, he threw out Bart Gunn, Scott Steiner, Owen Hart, Kwang, Bob Backlund, Billy Gunn, and Virgil.
Shawn Michael and Razor Ramon's match at WrestleMania 10 was the first five-star match, according to David Meltzer in the history of the WWE. It's as iconic as the two men who competed in the match.
The heat for the feud reached a boiling point at the 1994 Royal Rumble when Michaels almost cost Razor his Intercontinental Title against Irwin R. Schyster (I.R.S). HBK hit Razor with a "fake" IC belt that led to a three count in favor of I.R.S. The match was restarted when the ref saw the fake title and Razor retained setting up a revenge match at WrestleMania 10.
Although he never won the event, Randy Savage competed in five Royal Rumbles throughout his WWE career. The legend was a big name at the company despite falling down the card by 1994.
He eventually parted ways with the WWE in October and the 1994 Royal Rumble was the last one he ever competed in. It was also a lackluster entry where he lasted less than five minutes and only eliminated one wrestler, Jeff Jarrett.
The Casket match is a part of the Undertaker's legacy. He started competing in Casket matches as early as 1991. He had never lost a televised Casket match leading up to his feud with Yokozuna at the 1994 Royal Rumble.
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The two competed for the WWE Championship and Yokozuna (with the help of Adam Bomb, Jeff Jarrett, The Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu), and Diesel) defeated Undertaker. He wouldn't wrestle another Casket match at the Royal Rumble until 1998 when he competed against Shawn Michaels.
Although the brothers had some heat in Survivor Series 1993, their sibling feud reached a boiling point at the Royal Rumble. The brothers competed against The Quebecers (Jacques and Pierre) for the WWE Tag Team Titles and lost. Owen yelled at Bret for not tagging him in and kicked the Hitman in his leg which was injured in the match.
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The announcers kept insinuating that Bret was too hurt to compete in the Rumble thanks to Owen. This event led to their match at WrestleMania 10, which was a match that stole the show.
Tv Writer. Dallas Cowboy fan. Texican.