Welcome to Skimm Tested, where we put products to the test and then give 'em a report card. (Check out all of our tried and tested faves here.)
To see if the Billie razor ($10/starter kit) should become your go-to shaving tool. With a subscription, you can get new razor heads delive
PHOENIX – More than two years after riding out of the Valley, Lime returned to Phoenix this week with an updated version of its electric scooters.
“Lime is thrilled to be back and grateful for the opportunity to provide Phoenix residents and visitors with a safe, sustainable and equi
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This materi
A large black SUV swung into the parking lot, and to a smattering of applause from people standing in line at the door of Glory House International, Tessa Souter and her band spilled out of the doors. Two minutes before her show was scheduled to start.
Chris Botti, the headliner on Frida
At the risk of damning an impressively strong debut with faint praise, B.J. Novak’s “Vengeance” is perhaps the best possible movie someone could make out of a murder-mystery that starts with John Mayer standing on the rooftop bar of a Soho House (where he’s waxing philo
These are the four leaf sections rescued from neighbor Nancy’s "dead" begonia. Kept on moist soil with all the cut edges dusted with a rooting hormone, about seven weeks later a new plant, the next generation, emerged from the leaf on the right. A few weeks later it was cut off with roots an
Del. Sally Hudson, D-Charlottesville, and other Democrats in the House of Delegates discuss budget amendments handed down by Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Friday, June 17. (Sarah Vogelsong / Virginia Mercury)
Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s budget proposals drew a mixed response Friday in the General
The Bike Shed motorcycle show is a sacred place for custom bikemakers to flaunt their skills via epic builds. So, for this year’s show, Amsterdam-based Ironwood Motorcycles wanted to create something stunning, and boy, did they live up to it!
Once a BMW R NineT, this custom motorcycle