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Ljubljana, 15 September - Just four kilometres of razor wire fence along the border with Croatia has been removed so far, according to a government report released on Thursday.
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A division of First Look Institute
Migrants die and disappear in staggeringly high numbers along the U.S.-Mexico border, as Washington over the years has shut down relatively safe, traditional urban entry points, forcing border crossers into hostile desert terrain. Migrants also sustain
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No more guesswork — here's where your focus should be at each stage in your business.
New CEOs, startup founders and solopreneurs hear this piece of advice all the time: Start your day with the one task that will make the most dif
A recent report on the global Disposable Razors market published by Market Reports provides a global overview and opportunity evaluation for the time. The study provides a thorough examination of the main market trends. To forecast the growth of the Disposable Razors with the greatest pre
Thomas says that he requested text messages from Ellis “related to his public service” on Aug. 22.
Richmond resident Jeffrey Thomas Jr. has filed a lawsuit against the University’s Board of Visitors alleging that the Freedom and Information Act Office has failed to produce re
Fall is nearly upon us, and what better way to welcome the season—and gear up for the holiday hustle—than with a self-care day? If you’re looking to indulge in some self-facing TLC in the spirit of sustainability, this is your sign to have an eco-friendly spa day at home.
U.S. Senate delays Respect for Marriage Act vote
Respect for Marriage Act doesn’t have solid Republican support yet
Calif. launches abortion website- national abortion ban introduced
Transportation Sec. Buttigieg targeted with homophobic tweets
California ex-trans
Written by Editorial Team | Updated : September 15, 2022 2:38 PM IST
In the past creams, lotions and even beauty treatments were designed with females in mind. It has been a long-standing joke that for men one product works for everything including shampoo and body wash. Luckily times ha
Jason Momoa didn't shave his whole head, but he did lose enough of his long locks to rock a new scalp tattoo.
In a video posted to Instagram Wednesday, the "Aquaman" star wears a top hat as he gets ready to board a flight on Hawaiian Airlines, which serves his aluminum-bottled Mananalu
Charles Bradford celebrated his 80th birthday on Sept. 5. To this day, he continues to own and operate Bradford’s Hair Studio in Groton.
His career cutting hair has spanned over 60 years. While Bradford was born in Burlington, Vt., he moved to Groton as a toddler and has lived in Groto