MLW Fusion results: Jacob Fatu vs. Mads Krugger, Killer Kross and Gangrel return | Yardbarker

2022-03-26 06:50:10 By : Mr. henry yang

Joe Dombrowski and Rich Bocchini welcomed us to Charlotte, North Carolina, and ran down tonight's card: a Stairway To Hell match between Jacob Fatu and Mads Krugger, the return of Gangrel and Killer Kross, and the announcement from Cesar Duran on whether or not he is stripping Alex Hammerstone of the MLW Heavyweight title.

Killer Kross defeated Budd Heavy

Kross made light work of cult favorite Heavy by dropping him on his head with a Saito suplex, hitting a running forearm to the back of the head and causing a referee stoppage by hammering the back of Heavy's head and neck with repeated forearms.

Kross gave Heavy two free shots at the start of the match before dropping him with a big boot while Heavy revved up for a third shot.

Hopefully, Kross stays around for a while as he will give the main event scene a nice shake-up with some fresh matches. The last time we saw Kross was a one-off appearance in the middle of the Von Erichs vs. Team Filthy feud before he signed with WWE for his run in NXT.

- We were then going to hear a joint announcement from Duran and Richard Holliday regarding Hammerstone's World title but as Holliday was entering through the curtain, Hammerstone jumped him and they brawled to the back.

- To make up for the lost time, we cut to Los Parks for their latest culinary infomercial from their family restaurant. An unhappy customer questioned them on their chili sandwich and Los Parks beat him down before asking us to give them a good review on Yelp.

Garvin got on the mic, asked for an opponent, and got one in the returning Gangrel.

Gangrel was walking gingerly on his left leg but put in a good amount of time and can still do what he needs to have a decent match. There was no fire entrance, goblet, "red viscous liquid" or his fantastic Brood theme, but he still had the mannerisms and the fangs of the old 1999 Gangrel.

This started as a walk and brawl in and out of the ring, but the interest cranked up when Gangrel started using his circular sickle knife to cut away at Garvin's forehead. We then got the announcement that is was no disqualification -- thank goodness or Gangrel would have felt like a fool.

That was the beginning of the end for Garvin as after some more punishment to his busted open forehead by Gangrel's fangs, he missed a top rope splash and was hit with Gangrel's Impaler DDT to give the returning star the win.

- TJP walked in on Duran while he was on his phone talking about an investigation into his actions. He wanted to carry some gold instead of these "indie darlings," so Duran granted him a Middleweight title shot. This angered EJ Nduka who was listening in to the conversation. Nduka demanded a shot at 5150 after they attacked him and spray-painted him, so Duran granted that match, too. 

Duran then had to quickly leave as he got word Hammerstone was chasing Holliday around the building. The camera cut to the chase as Holliday was trying to call Alicia Atout for a way out, but Hammerstone ripped his shirt off and continued the chase.

- Savio Vega was then shown sneaking into Duran's unattended office, pocketing some cash and releasing Micro Man from a suitcase.

Mads Krugger defeated Jacob Fatu in a Stairway to Hell match

A Baklei War Club and Maliliu Cane (Singapore cane wrapped in razor wire) hung high above the ring.

This started at 100 mph as the near seven-foot Krugger dove through the ropes and took out Fatu who was holding a ladder on the outside. Fatu came back and hit a big Samoan drop before hitting his impressive handspring moonsault while a ladder laid on top of Krugger.

Krugger beat down Fatu for a while, but Fatu reversed a whip and sent Krugger upside down and headfirst into a ladder in the corner. Give him credit: Krugger had his crazy bumping boots on tonight.

Fatu headbutted Krugger off the top of the ladder and brought his cane into action. A few shots to the back and the head had Krugger busted open.

After a commercial break, Fatu hit a chair-assisted coast to coast onto Krugger as the stunts and bumps continued to the delight of the crowd.

Fatu set up a table in the center of the ring but as wrestling law goes, he who sets up a table goes through said table. Both climbed a ladder in the corner and Krugger superplexed Fatu through his own table. 

Fatu fought back and looked to have the match firmly in his control after a superkick and a uranage. But former CONTRA teammate Ikuro Kwon passed Krugger his club to use and Fatu was knocked out. He was then on the receiving end of a reverse tree slam to give the win to Krugger.

After the match, Krugger said CONTRA was reborn and he will build it in his image. As he finished talking, Fatu took him out with a chair shot before officials and referees pulled them apart, so look for this feud to continue.

- Backstage, Hammerstone was still chasing Holliday. The champion caught him and ripped his pants off this time. Holliday somehow escaped Hammerstone's clutches and ran from the building in his underwear into a waiting limousine with Atout.

Next week: MLW Tag Team Champions 5150 defend against EJ Nduka & a mystery partner

This article first appeared on and was syndicated with permission.

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