A Destiny 2 player exploring the game's API discovers three new weapon crafting patterns, suggesting the release of craftable swords.
Destiny 2 seems to have a few more tricks up its sleeve for the Season of Plunder, judging by its API, where users have discovered a few new weapon crafting patterns that may be getting released soon. The game has slowly been filling out its selection of craftable weapons since the launch of the Witch Queen DLC, and if the latest reveals are correct, class swords may be next on the docket.
Specifically, whereas Destiny 2 has generally stepped away from releasing class-exclusive weaponry, there are a few select examples of Bungie still maintaining some amount of diversity between Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks. The three Exotic Glaives are the latest example of this being the case, but users have discovered that the Season of Opulence's three class-exclusive swords — Goldtusk, Throne Cleaver, and Death's Razor — may be coming back as well.
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Destiny 2's weapon crafting was a bit undercooked when it first came out, with relatively few weapons to craft, an over-complicated resource economy, and few ways to get said resources in the first place. It has been substantially improved since, not least of which is due to Bungie's slow-but-steady trickle of new weapon crafting patterns. Season of Plunder, in particular, has added a huge array of new weapons (seasonal and King's Fall armaments), but there may be more coming as well, as the game's API has revealed the presence of the three aforementioned swords. These may or may not be coming as part of the game's Halloween event, the Festival of the Lost.
It's worth pointing out that this corroborates datamining efforts from the start of the season, which showed not just the three class-exclusive blades as craftable weapon patterns, but also the last remaining Season of Opulence weapon that hadn't yet been brought back, the Imperial Decree shotgun. This may mean that the list of the best Season of Plunder Destiny 2 weapons may grow substantially before all is said and done.
It's still unconfirmed whether the four "leaked" Season of Opulence weapons will launch over the course of Season of Plunder, but if that were the case, this may end up being the season with the biggest number of new weapon patterns released since Witch Queen. Bungie has been somewhat slow in adding new weapon crafting recipes, and not every weapon is available for crafting in the first place. Still, players looking to optimize weapon crafting in Destiny 2 may need to roll up their farming sleeves, as each new datamined weapon would need 5 red border drops for it to unlock for crafting.
Thankfully, not every craftable weapon is a pain to farm. In fact, there are two new guaranteed weapon crafting patterns in Destiny 2 available right now, both of which are really easy to unlock. This year's Festival of the Lost is coming up on October 18, which is when it will likely become clear whether the API leaks were correct or simply leftover code from cut content.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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Filip is a long-time gamer and writer with ample experience in both of these industries. Having started his gaming adventure with the venerable PSX, Filip soon discovered dedicated gaming magazines, which set the stage for everything that came afterward. He majored in linguistics and philosophy, which lend themselves well to creative and technical writing, allowing Filip to stack bylines with a huge number of publications.