10 Best Eyebrow Trimmers for Men

2022-03-26 06:45:26 By : Ms. Liu Cici

Every product was carefully curated by an Esquire editor. We may earn a commission from these links.

Manscaping ain't just for down below.

Having pronounced eyebrows is sexy, at least according to today’s beauty standards. Men like Drake, Chris Pine, Joe Jonas, and anyone of the Hemsworth brothers are revered for their natural good looks—their strong brows having a lot to do with that. But, as we should expect with any poster boy, this God-given feature isn’t so natural. It’s pretty safe to assume that all these fellas use tweezers, razors, scissors, and, of course, eyebrow trimmers to make sure that they’re camera-ready.

What separates a Jonas eyebrow from, say, the one that Martin Scorsese rocks is upkeep. No offense to the great auteur, but his bushy caterpillars have been the butt of many a joke. He works behind the camera, so why bother? We get that. But for those that want to exude the allure of a heartthrob, eyebrow trimmers are what you need.

New to eyebrow maintenance? Well, let’s start with the basics: a set of scissors and a spoolie. For those with a wiry bush, snip away excess weight and strays with small shears; the brush will help outline the shape. But if you’re weary of cutting, there are also electric trimmers with protective guards that’ll guide you. And most of them double as nose- and ear-hair removers, so you have an all-in-one tool to keep your face neat.

Now all you need to do is get one of the best eyebrow trimmers below and include it in your grooming regimen. Rest assured that adding this step will have you looking as close to leading man as it gets.

New to the brow game? Well, Browgame has you covered. The brand makes a variety of tools that will help you shape and remove all kinds of facial hair, including a handy razor that'll shave small hair with no fuss. 

If you're looking at your brows and thinking, wow, this needs work, it may be best to book an appointment at your local salon. But if you're a DIY fella, this kit as all the utensils—from multiple razors and tweezers to scissors and brushes—to style your eyebrows.  

This Philips Norelco item may be billed as a nose trimmer, but it'll work just as well—if not better—for your eyebrows. It features two water-resistant blade guards that'll comb the hair and remove excess strands. 

Most experts agree that Tweezerman has the goods that deliver, especially its brow-shaping scissors. The compact shears feature an ergonomic handle and super-pointed blades that'll let you trim strays with precision.   

The name to know in hair grooming tools is Wahl. A favorite of barbers, the brand offers clippers that create the tightest fades and edges. So it should come as no surprise that it also has eyebrow trimmers that are up to snuff.  

Like all the other electric trimmers on this list, this one by Conair is multi-purpose. But what sets it apart from the rest is the angled head; when joined with the two-sided brush, the slant allows you to remove strays with greater ease.  

Micro Touch gets that clippers and scissors aren't for everyone, which is why it has a trimmer that'll let you remove hair easily. The item features five brush attachments that go over the titanium blade, allowing you to glide over the a patch, scraping away strands according to your preferred length.  

"Virtually Indestructible" is right: Remington's multi-functional trimmer is not only waterproof (feel free to take it in the shower), but features a non-slip, rubberized grip.  

Drag fans know all too well about Anastasia Beverly Hills, a brand that offers beauty products of the utmost quality. This also includes its brow shears, which will snip flyways aways with accuracy. 

Do you have sensitive skin? Suffer from acne? If the answer is yes and yes, you're well aware that contact to the dermis can cause severe irritation. Don't fret, because Panasonic has an eyebrow trimmer built just for you. Its GM40-K blades feature rounded edges and narrow gaps that will gently remove hair while minimally impacting your skin.